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Pilates has something to offer people of all ages, levels of ability, and fitness, from beginners to elite athletes. Each exercise at every level requires a huge amount of concentration. Your mind controls your body and Pilates makes you aware of this ultimate control and demands you use it.
Regular Pilates can improve posture, muscle tone, balance and joint mobility, it can also relieve stress and tension. Pilates tones and sculpts the body, building long, lean muscle. Although core based, Pilates actually works every muscle in the body. Pilates compliments other exercises training by developing whole body strength and flexibility while reducing the risk of injury.
Pilates not only improves your body, but also helps with mindfulness and relaxation. It also helps with stress and anxiety so take a break from daily life in order to focus on yourself and get clarity.
Barre is a low impact hybrid workout that is a combination of Pilates and ballet-inspired moves. There are cardio elements, resistance and strength training making Barre a perfect total-body workout.
Like Pilates, Barre helps strengthen and tone muscles without creating bulk. It also increases cardiovascular endurance and metabolism, which helps to quickly burn calories.
Barre classes are great if you are new to exercise, as it will help improve balance, build strength, make your more flexible, burn calories, and improve stability through a stronger core.
Core Control Barre is like no other Barre class. I follow an exact method ensuring no muscle group is left behind. Music plays a big part in my classes, but don't worry you don't need to 'be a dancer', have any rhythmn or coordinatation to do my barre classes. Props are used, such a weights and there are whole sections of Pilates mat exercises incorporated.
I am pleased to announce that I am opening up a brand new studio offering both mat and reformer Pilates classes at the end of April. Please make sure you have subscribed to my newsletter for all the latest info!